Stepping Away from Substance Abuse with Counseling

Substance abuse is the harmful use of drugs or alcohol outside medical purposes. For many, it involves the use of prescription or over-the-counter medications and alcohol. Some people may also misuse caffeine, nicotine, and volatile substances for various reasons, including relaxation, to escape problems, and to dull pain.

What Are Some Possible Reasons for Substance Misuse?

Addiction is a pervasive medical condition, though it can seem that people can fall into substance abuse accidently or by their own choice. Denial can be a powerful aspect of addiction, leading users to have difficulty believing that they have a problem. Dependence on substances is a complex health concern that can be difficult to treat. It is surrounded by varying opinions, values, and beliefs. Emotional, social, and physiological factors are often blamed for a person’s addiction to drugs or alcohol.

According to a report from the National Bureau of Economic Research, there is a definitive connection between emotional conditions and substance use. Studies reveal that a vast number of substance users are likely to have significant emotional difficulties. It is therefore important to seek treatment that can address both substance abuse and mental health at the same time.

A family history, trauma, anxiety, depression, stress, pressure and a variety of other factors can impact substance use. Ultimately, it is important to acknowledge that reasons for substance use vary from one individual to another. Regardless of the reason, when substance use starts interfering with daily functioning, relationships, health, and well-being, it is time to seek help.

Like any condition, substance abuse and its symptoms will not dissipate or resolve themselves unless treatment is sought. The service of a competent counselor may be necessary to help end the cycle of substance use. Be aware that if you have individuals close to you that are abusing substances, they may keep it from you and deny the need for help.

When is it Time for Professional Interventions with Substance Abuse?

Individuals who are dependent on a substance may have a greater tolerance or needed dosage to reach the desired state. This could mean drinking binges for many hours or days or near-fatal doses. These can be very dangerous, requiring professional help right away.

Chronic substance abuse can lead to a number of physical health problems. Overdoses of many commonly abused drugs can be fatal. Injecting addictive substances coupled with other unsafe behaviors poses a risk of infections such as HIV and hepatitis. Too much alcohol can cause liver cirrhosis, heart and circulatory ailments, and even untimely death.

Watch out too for withdrawal symptoms, such as depression, insomnia, irritability, and fatigue. Long-term substance abuse may also contribute to or exacerbate emotional concerns such as depression, anxiety, mood conditions, etc.

There are many physical and behavioral symptoms that may indicate abuse of a substance. Regardless of the kind of drugs or alcohol used, watch out for the following signs:

  • Dramatic change in behavior
  • Relationship problems due to sudden withdrawal from loved ones
  • Mood swings
  • Lack of personal hygiene
  • Loss of interest in enjoyable activities
  • Reversed sleeping schedule, awake at night and asleep during the day
  • Frequent sniffing or runny nose
  • Red or glassy eyes

When two or more of these signs are present, it is time to take action and seek intervention by a professional. Early acknowledgement and treatment of substance abuse can make a big difference in promoting recovery and preventing lifelong adverse effects, for both the addicted person and their loved ones.

Seeking Counseling with Long-Lasting Effects

If you or someone you care for is grappling with substance use, sobriety may seem impossible. Recovery is always a possibility with the right treatment and support. There may be some pitfalls, lapses, and setbacks along the way, but it’s important not to give up. Recognizing the need for help is vital to a successful recovery. Seeking counseling from a reputable organization takes you many steps away from substance use.

Get the help you need from Carolina Counseling Services – Fuquay-Varina, NC. Our independently contracted counselors are more than just therapists – they have the commitment and desire to help people with substance use. After evaluation, you’ll be matched with a counselor who has working knowledge about substance use.

Your treatment will be tailored according to your needs. More importantly, you’ll be treated with respect, compassion, and understanding. The counselors practice professional ethics and maintain privacy and confidentiality.

Recovery and wellness may not happen overnight. It will take time, commitment, and dedication to eventually reap the benefits of counseling, but with CCS in Fuquay-Varina, NC, you’re no longer alone. The right therapist will journey with you on your way to recovery and work with you to set long-term goals to get your life back.

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